so besides making it to Class 4, i am one of 4 who got Detention!!! this is my second time! (should i be proud???) hehehe... all because i didn't pay much attention... anyhoo, my Detention Assignment was to get a layout done with Celia's sketch.
S Is For Sister
Urban Lily, Elsie, 7G,
Daily Dose Coupon, Autumn Leaves Bird Stamp
Urban Lily, Elsie, 7G,
Daily Dose Coupon, Autumn Leaves Bird Stamp

Stephanie took these shots of Cheeky Anis.
I just Love this layout of him!
Slow Down Anis

i was the weakling! woke up at 5am and never went back to sleep. did my home chores and the sending and fetching kids to school. cooked lunch and scrapped a little. Georgina came for a short crop, which was fun! well i hope she had fun :D there's a talk of another cropmeet so...there's hope! hehehe...
took a nap after G left. *zzzzzzz* that was really what i needed. woken up by Sweet Stephanie's call. and then made dinner for Iftar. spent my evening with kids and we watched a rerun of Seinfeld. hehe... that's one sitcom i really enjoy watching. just so silly and never fails to crack me up! :D
it's the start of PSLE today. Primary School Leaving Exams. Aysha will be sitting for her papers this week. she's been studying and she has her goals. God Willing she will achieve what she has set for herself. Thanks Friends for the well~wishes.
alright, better get going! already been told i'm "obsessed" with the computer!!! *tongue sticking out*
LOVE those pages!!!!!
Good luck to Aysha!
I also love Seinfeld.Ihave seen the episodes so many times, but they still just crack me up!!
Love the tongue sticking out comment! Ha!
I don't understand how you get dettention at BG. What do you have to do to get that? Maybe I will try.
Have a great day!!
Ed,ah moi...... gorgeous layouts!!
love them all.(:
Thanks Cheryl :D
Cathy...i forgot to put my layout into the correct gallery...duh!
Stephanie...Miss Ah Moi, Thank You:D
have a fun day!
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