Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beautiful Things

as it happens, we didn't go to the wedding reception last evening... unforeseen circumstances cropped up. but they're holding another wedding today and these are shots of the wedding dias, floral and plants arrangement @ the Groom's place :)

once upon a time, the Groom helped us @ our wedding with the decor and this time, it was Ron's turn :)
Wedding Dias
where the Bride and Groom

will be seated while everyone
watch and
take photos with them
Plants and flowers arranged by Ron
Ron Loves Haleconias...
i'm sure it's a Beautiful Wedding. Ron will be attending this afternoon while i'm home with our Little Ones and supposedly start baking but...Miss Lazy Bug is just telling me to go lie down and do nothing :D

Sunday Breakfast
Ron made us American Breakfast :D
a pitcher of hot Milo for the kids and me *wink*

scrambled eggs

sunny side up eggs & sausages

Yummy Pineapple Tarts :)

Happiness :)

@ The Park
after breakfast we went here to have fun :)
Fave Shots ~ Sunday
perhaps it may seem that we're all Happy and Cheery at all times but just like any other families, we too have our Up and Down days... i'm just Thankful when we face any down time, we're able to address the issue and move on from there. everything is from God and we Believe that if we try to work things out, all will be well, God Willing. and Thankfully for us, we have Down Days pretty rarely.

i Love my Family and they'll Always be Mine for the rest of My Life :)

hope you're enjoying a Lovely Sunday!


Stephanie said...

Ed, love all your shots!!! (:

Happy Sunday!!!

suryani said...

Anis looks exactly like Ron =)

Anonymous said...

Very BEAUTIFUL pictures! Have a great SUNDAY!!


Ana Baird said...

What a fabulous place! Great pics!

Unknown said...

You see thats why I love your blog, its the good and the bad but never ugly!!! Thanks for being real Ed :) I know those tough family times and glad we get through them by talking too. Hugs :)
Hope the wedding is wonderful, it looks just beautiful!!!
And don't get me started on the food!!! YUMMMMMMM dribble dribble!!