Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

did this layout of Aneesa for the Trend Watch challenge. it was from a brochure which has lots of cut out pictures in circles and i came up with this. very simple but i doodled alot! :)

*it's a lazy Sunday for me. went for brunch with kids and they set off to Sunday School by themselves. only me and my two little ones were at home. tried to nap but impossible! they weren't tired and kept bugging me so... thought of going out for a stroll to the mall but didn't feel like it. it'll be too crowded. anyway, already spent the whole day out on Saturday.

bought a few more scrapbooking stuff which i'm looking forward to use. it was Happy Shopping day for me...2 days in a row!!! ;))) and another shopping date with Shemah on Monday. shop shop and i'm not alone in this! hehehe...*

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