Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's Mid~Week

it's already the 27th day of February! last Wednesday for this month and ahhh...finally, in 2 days, a Leap Year! :D know anyone born on this date? i don't... but i wonder what it feels like not having the date to celebrate a birthday? but i think it's what makes one Unique!

Vintage Living ~ Part 2
sharing pieces that we have lying around the house *wink*
in this case, just outside our home!
an old Singer sewing machine :)

i already told Ron i want that mini
Chinese medicine drawers for my Scrap area :D

Antique Steel Luggage
i'd lug this around if we're travelling but...NOT!
sometimes having all these beautiful pieces that we've collected, i wonder who the first owners were. these are things that's been places and lived with people in the past. things that last and hold Dear Memories. it's amazing isn't it?

Fave Shot ~ Wednesday
doing her homework.
she's got neat handwriting :D

Japanese Lunch
met my friends for lunch and i had this...
TomYum Beef Ramen
Teriyaki Chicken
L had Sushi BentoCool Iced Japanese Green Tea
errr...honestly, it's pretty
tasteless without any sugar! *cheeky grin*

A Gift
altered this tin for a friend :) hope this will at least Cheer her up at least a little bit. i'll fill in some Goodies in there too. it's just nice to make someone Happy :) *Hugs* to you Dear!

and on that note, i'd like to send Happy Wishes to Everyone! i've been affected by a show i watched and i'm always Thankful and Grateful for the little things. i may have to work on being much more Grateful even when my 3yr old drives me nuts on a daily basis...the 3 minutes advice from SuperNanny doesn't work. he would tell me he has, "3 minutes ok?" !!! *pulls hair*

but how cute is that when all these moments will pass... and i will miss it all! so words we often use on our scrapbook pages comes in, Cherish, Live, Laugh, Enjoy and Love! i've come to terms with a "Nevermind" attitude on my part.

Nevermind, it's ok if they play with their toys and make a mess.
i bought them the toys. what's the point of not letting them play with them?
mess, it can be picked up and kept again and again.

Nevermind, it's ok if you fall. you will get up again. you will be fine and after a while you will forget about it. a hug and a kiss does wonders!

Nevermind, let people who are ignorant stare at us just because one child is having a tantrum =>Anis...<= although i dislike it when they give you a dirty look like telling you to discipline your child or something!!! grrr... anyhoo, i sympathise with parents having a tantrumy child. or a little baby crying endlessly on public transport. yes, sometimes a child's tantrum may be out of hand but we don't really know the truth. does that child have Autism? ADHD? practise patience, it teaches you to be patient :)

so lastly, nothing beats than having Good News from my daughter telling me she had Top Marks for English in class! Yayy! and also got a call from Modelling Agency that Aneesa might be needed for Fashion Week coming up in April! typical Mum here says, "Oh...that's great!" we'll be having CatWalk lessons every weekend now... practise! practise! :D

today is one of those days when i blog a little too long! hehehe... pardon et moi! but i am enjoying the process of making friends through this, near and far and learning that it's true, we can be the same in some ways. only in different spots of the world map *wink*

Thank You! for spending your precious time just to pop in :)


Lenny said...

hi enjoy reading your blog, nice picture of the food;p

Ana Baird said...

Love your vintage living pictures! They're great!

Lesli said...

I think I gain 5 pounds every time I visit your blog. Gorgeous vintage pieces - I love that precious pic of your daughter!!!

Stephanie said...

lovely photos of your collection!!

Happy Mid week!!

salme said...

i like your nevermind attitude :D i hope to adapt that also when my girls leave their toys lying around the house and i trip over them hehehe

i love this post, ed!

suryani said...

Love all the antique stuff!!!

And thank you soo much for the gifts...*hug*

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying reading your blog..(^^,)it truly reflects 'you' everyday~

Ana Baird said...

Thank you very much for your comment's on my Mother's day project!